Nomor : 1810 /L4/TU/2008
Tentang :
Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan
Kopertis Wilayah IV Tahun 2008
Dalam rangka mengisi formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil di lingkungan
Kopertis Wilayah IV tahun 2008 berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Mendiknas nomor 44085/A4/KP/2008 tangal 3 September 2008 Tentang Penetapan Formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dari Pelamar Umum
tahun anggaran 2008 di lingkungan Depdiknas akan menerima Tenaga Administrasi (teknisi)sebanyak 3 (tiga) orang.
Bagi yang berminat, Kopertis Wilayah IV Jawa Barat dan Banten memberi
kesempatan untuk mengikuti seleksi menjadi CPNS Depdiknas dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut :

No. Gol /
Akademik Jabatan Jumlah
Formasi Penempatan

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. III/a S-1 5020 Akuntansi Akuntan 1 orang Kopertis Wil. IV
2. II/c D-III 3224 Teknik
Programer 1 orang Sda
3. II/c D-III 3225 Teknik
1 orang Sda
A. Persyaratan Pengangkatan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil :
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia;
2. Bertaqwa Kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa;
3. Memiliki Integritas yang Tinggi terhadap Negara Kesatuan Republik
4. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai CPNS / PNS;
5. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Anggota atau Pengurus Partai Politik;
6. Tidak pernah diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai PNS atau
Pegawai Swasta;
7. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang
telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap;
8. Mempunyai kompetensi di bidang (jabatan) yang telah ditentukan
sebagaimana daftar di atas;
9. Berusia serendah-rendahnya 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun
pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008;
10.Khusus Pelamar yang pada saat diangkat sebagai CPNS berusia 35
tahun lebih dan tidak lebih dari 40 tahun pada saat 1 Desember 2008, harus melampirkan surat
pengangkatan pertama sampai terakhir minimal 11 tahun 8 bulan secara terus menerus dan
tidak terputus sejak tanggal 1 April 1997 sampai dengan sekarang;
11.Berkelakuan Baik;
12.Sehat Jasmani dan rohani;
13.Surat Keterangan tidak mengkonsumsi/menggunakan narkotika,
psikotrofika, prekursor, dan zat adiktif lainnya dari Rumah Sakit Umum Pemerintah;
14.Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Republik Indonesia;
15.Surat Pernyataan tidak terikat kontrak kerja pada instansi lain;
16.Lulus seleksi.

B. Pendaftaran :

1. Waktu

Penerimaan pendaftaran, seleksi administrasi, pengisian biodata dan
pengambilan Nomor
Tanda Peserta Ujian oleh peserta seleksi mulai tanggal 13 sampai
dengan 27 September 2008
pada jam kerja.

2. Tempat

Pendaftaran dilaksanakan di kantor Kopertis Wilayah IV, Jalan Penghulu
H.Hasan Mustapa
nomor 38 Bandung.
Catatan : Tidak menerima layanan informasi melalui telepon.

3. Kelengkapan/persyaratan administrasi untuk mengikuti seleksi :

a. Surat lamaran ditulis dengan tinta hitam dan ditanda tangani oleh
pelamar dengan
menyebutkan jabatan yang akan dipilih/dilamar, ditujukan kepada
Menteri Pendidikan
Nasional melalui Koordinator Kopertis Wilayah IV tanpa materai;

b. 1 (satu) lembar foto copy Surat Tanda Tamat Belajar (STTB) / Ijazah
berikut transkrip nilai dengan IP / IPK 2,75 yang disahkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang.
c. Foto copy kartu pencari kerja dari Departemen/Dinas Tenaga Kerja;
d. 4 (empat) lembar pas photo hitam putih ukuran 3 x 4;
e. Foto copy surat keputusan tentang pengalaman kerja bagi yang
mempunyai pengalaman kerja di bidang jabatan pada kolom 6 sebagaimana daftar di atas;
f. Lamaran dimasukan kedalam map snel hecter warna abu-abu;
g. Mengisi format isian biodata.
C. Pelaksanaan Seleksi / testing :

1. Hari / tanggal : Kamis, 16 Oktober 2008
2. W a k t u : Pukul 7.30 s.d. selesai
3. Tempat : Akan ditentukan 2 (dua) hari sebelum pelaksanaan seleksi dan
dilihat langsung di Kantor Kopertis Wilayah IV.
4. Kelengkapan yang dibawa : a. Kartu peserta seleksi
b. Pinsil 2B
c. Karet penghapus
d. Alat untuk menulis
e. Rautan pinsil
D. Materi Seleksi :

a. Test Pengetahuan Umum (Bhs. Indonesia, Pancasila, Tata Negara,
Sejarah, Bhs. Inggris,Kebijakan Pemerintah);
b. Test Bakat Skolastik;
c. Test Substansi (Test Kompetensi);
E. Pengumuman Hasil Ujian :

Pengumuman kelulusan akan ditetapkan kemudian.

F. Lain-lain :
1. Pelamar tidak dipungut biaya;
2. Panitia hanya menerima lamaran secara langsung dari pelamar;
3. Bagi pelamar yang telah melamar sebelum pengumuman ini dianggap
tidak ada;
4. Mereka yang dinyatakan lulus seleksi harus melengkapi persyaratan
pengangkatan CPNS
(lihat butir A).

Demikian untuk menjadi perhatian.
Bandung, 12 September 2008
Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Rochim Suratman
NIP. 130528312


Nomor: 00001.Pm/72/SJP/2008

Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral merupakan unsur pelaksana Pemerintah yang mempunyai tugas membantu Presiden dalam menyelenggarakan sebagian tugas pemerintahan di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral. Visi : terwujudnya sektor energi dan sumber daya mineral yang menghasilkan nilai tambah sebagai salah satu sumber kemakmuran rakyat melalui pembangunan berkelanjutan dan ramah lingkungan, adil, transparan, bertanggungjawab, efisien serta sesuai dengan standard etika yang tinggi.

Untuk memenuhi tuntutan tersebut di atas Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral membuka kesempatan bagi warga negara Republik Indonesia yang berminat menjadi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil dan memenuhi kualifikasi pendidikan yang dibutuhkan untuk mengisi lowongan formasi Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Tahun Anggaran 2008 sebagaimana terlampir.

Kami mengundang, putera-puteri terbaik Indonesia yang berminat serta mempunyai kemampuan, integritas, dan komitmen tinggi untuk memberikan pelayanan terbaik kepada masyarakat, sekaligus berkeinginan berperan dalam proses transformasi bangsa menuju masyarakat adil, makmur, dan berperadaban tinggi, kami memberikan kesempatan untuk bergabung bersama di Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

I. Persyaratan
1. Warga Negara Republik Indonesia.

2.. Usia pelamar sekurang-kurangnya 18 (delapan belas) tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 (tiga puluh lima) tahun pada tanggal 1 Desember 2008.

3. Indek Prestasi Komulatif (IPK) bagi pelamar lulusan pendidikan tinggi dalam negeri, berijazah :

3.1. Pasca Sarjana (S-2) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol)

3.2. Sarjana (S-1) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima)

3.3. Diploma Tiga (D-3) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima)

4. Akreditasi A atau B untuk Jurusan/Program Studi pada tahun kelulusan dan masih berlaku yang dilegalisir Perguruan Tinggi yang bersangkutan.

5. Berkelakuan baik dan sehat jasmani maupun rohani.

6. Mengisi dan menyetujui surat pernyataan sebagaimana terlampir tentang :

6.1. Tidak pernah dihukum penjara atau kurungan berdasarkan putusan pengadilan yang telah mempunyai kekuatan hukum yang tetap, karena melakukan sesuatu tindak pidana kejahatan;

6.2. Tidak pernah diberhentikan dengan hormat tidak atas permintaan sendiri atau tidak dengan hormat sebagai Pegawai Negeri, atau diberhentikan tidak dengan hormat sebagai pegawai swasta;

6.3. Tidak berkedudukan sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri/Pegawai Negeri;

6.4. Bersedia ditempatkan di seluruh wilayah Negara Republik Indonesia atau Negara lain yang ditentukan oleh pemerintah;

6.5. Tidak menjadi pengurus dan/atau anggota partai politik.

7. Bebas Narkoba

II. Persyaratan Administrasi

1. Formulir Pendaftaran Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tahun Anggaran 2008 yang dicetak langsung setelah mendapatkan nomor registrasi pada tanggal 16 s.d. 17 Oktober 2008.

2. Surat lamaran ditulis tangan sendiri memakai tinta hitam (bukan ballpoint) di atas kertas segel atau kertas biasa bermeterai Rp. 6.000,00 (enam ribu rupiah) ditujukan kepada Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dengan melampirkan :

2.1. Foto copy ijazah dan nilai transkrip nilai pendidikan terakhir yang dilegalisir yaitu :

a. Perguruan Tinggi Negeri disahkan oleh Rektor/Dekan/Ketua/Direktur/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademis.

b. Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang terakreditasi disahkan oleh Rektor/Dekan/Ketua/Direktur/Pembantu Dekan Bidang Akademis.

Untuk Ijazah dari Perguruan Tinggi Swasta yang diperoleh setelah berlakunya keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 184/U/2001 tentang Pedoman Pengawasan Pengendalian dan Pembinaan Program Diploma, Sarjana dan Pasca Sarjana di Perguruan Tinggi, yang belum tercantum ijin penyelenggaraan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional harus melampirkan Surat Keterangan/Pernyataan dari Pimpinan Perguruan Tinggi yang menyatakan bahwa fakultas/jurusan yang bersangkutan telah mendapat ijin penyelenggaraan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

c. Pendidikan dari luar negeri dilengkapi dengan surat penetapan pengesahan/penyetaraan dari Menteri Pendidikan Nasional.

d. Ijazah sementara tidak berlaku

2.2. Foto copy surat Tanda Pencari Kerja (Kartu Kuning) dari Departemen Tenaga Kerja yang masih berlaku.

2.3. Foto copy surat Keterangan Kelakuan Baik/Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian dari Kepolisian setempat yang masih berlaku.

2.4. Foto Copy Surat Keterangan Berbadan Sehat dari Dokter Puskesmas/Dinas Kesehatan/ Rumah Sakit Pemerintah setempat yang masih berlaku.

2.5. Pas foto terbaru ukuran 3×4 sebanyak 3 (tiga) lembar (hitam putih dan tidak berkaca mata).

3. Nama pelamar ditulis lengkap beserta dengan gelar akademik.

4. Alamat pelamar harus ditulis secara lengkap dan jelas dengan mencantumkan kode pos,no.telepon/ handphone dan alamat email jika ada.

5. Persyaratan khusus lainnya dapat dilihat pada lampiran pengumuman.

III. Tahapan Seleksi Penerimaan CPNS

1. a. Pendaftaran CPNS Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tahun 2008 secara online dimulai pada tanggal 26 September s/d 13 Oktober 2008

b. Persiapan data yang dipersyaratkan.

2. Lakukan registrasi lamaran melalui Website Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dengan alamat :

a. www.esdm.go.id.

b. www.setjen.esdm.go.id

c. www.esdm.go.id/itjen

d. www.migas.esdm.go.id

e. www.djlpe.esdm.go.id

f. www.djmbp.esdm.go.id

g. www.bgl.esdm.go.id

h. www.litbang.esdm.go.id

i. www.diklat.esdm.go.id

j. www.bphmigas.go.id

Saat pengisian pastikan untuk mengisi formulir dengan benar dan lengkap sesuai petunjuk tertulis. Kesalahan pengisian sehingga terjadi ketidaksesuaian dengan berkas lamaran mengakibatkan ketidaklulusan proses seleksi administrasi.

3. Bagi peserta yang memenuhi syarat dan lulus seleksi/verifikasi administrasi antara lain ditentukan berdasarkan urutan tertinggi Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif, Akreditasi Program, lamanya kelulusan, urutan pendaftaran dengan jumlah peserta ujian berdasarkan rasio perbandingan 1 (satu) formasi berbanding maksimum 25 (dua puluh lima) pelamar, dapat melihat kembali dan mendapatkan nomor registrasi pada tanggal 16 s.d. 17 Oktober 2008.

4. Cetak Formulir Pendaftaran CPNS yang ditampilkan, tanda tangani yang telah dicetak. Pastikan untuk melengkapi dengan seluruh dokumen pendukung yang dipersyaratkan serta dokumen-dokumen lain (bila ada).

5. Jepit seluruh dokumen dengan stapler dan masukkan dalam map kertas berwarna yang telah ditulis NOMOR LAMARAN di bagian depannya . Warna map adalah :

5.1. merah untuk D-3

5.2. kuning untuk S1

5.3. biru untuk S2.

6. Dokumen tersebut dibawa beserta dokumen ASLI ke panitia untuk diverifikasi kebenarannya dan bagi pelamar yang ternyata tidak dapat menunjukkan dokumen asli sesuai dengan registrasi online dinyatakan gugur.

7. Bagi peserta yang memenuhi syarat dengan dinyatakan lulus seleksi administrasi/verifikasi akan mendapatkan nomor ujian.

8. Ujian tertulis akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal 25 Oktober 2008 bertempat di Balai Kartini Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav. 37 Jakarta , dengan membawa :

a. Tanda peserta ujian CPNS Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tahun 2008.

b. Pensil 2B Asli

c. Karet Penghapus

d. Rautan

e. Alas untuk menulis

9. Materi yang diujikan pada ujian saringan untuk diterima sebagai Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral meliputi :

9.1. Tes tertulis yang merupakan Tes Kompetensi Dasar (TKD) terdiri dari :

a. Pengetahuan Umum terdiri dari :

1. Ideologi

2. Politik

3. Ekonomi

4. Sosial dan Budaya

5. Hankam

6. Hukum

b. Tes Bakat Skolastik (TBS)

Mengukur potensi seseorang dalam belajar berdasarkan kemampuan verbal, kemampuan kuantitatif dan kemampuan penalaran.

c. Tes Skala Kematangan (TSK)

Mengukur kemampuan adaptasi, pengendalian diri, semangat berprestasi, integritas dan inisiatif.

Jadwal Tes Tertulis sebagai berikut :

07.30 08.00 - Panitia mempersiapkan pelaksanaan ujian

08.00 09.00 - Peserta memasuki ruang ujian, pengisian absensi/daftar hadir dan pembacaan tata tertib ujian

09.00 09.50 - Tes Pengetahuan Umum

09.50 10.00 - Persiapan tes lanjutan

10.00 11.30 - Tes Bakat Skolastik

11.30 12.00 - Istirahat

12.00 14.00 - Tes Skala Kematangan

Peserta ujian harus mematuhi peraturan tata tertib ujian penerimaan CPNS Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

9.2 Tes Wawancara

Bagi pelamar yang dinyatakan lulus tes tertulis akan dilaksanakan wawancara yang meliputi tes pengetahuan, keterampilan, sikap sesuai kompetensi jabatan, dengan jadwal ditentukan kemudian.


1. Pelamar yang telah memenuhi syarat dan lulus seleksi/verifikasi administrasi akan diumumkan melalui web site sebagaimana angka Romawi III angka 2 di atas dan melalui papan pengumuman unit-unit di lingkungan Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral pada tanggal 16 s.d. 17 Oktober 2008.

2. Pada saat verifikasi dokumen ASLI dan pengambilan Nomor Ujian, pelamar diharuskan datang sendiri ke Gedung Sekretariat Jenderal DESDM Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No 18 Jakarta Pusat sesuai dengan jadwal pengumuman peserta ujian pada tanggal 20 s.d. 22 Oktober 2008 dengan membawa bukti identitas diri (KTP/SIM) untuk diberikan Tanda Peserta Ujian berikut jadwal dan tata tertib ujian oleh Petugas Kepegawaian selaku Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil. (Apabila tidak hadir pada jadwal yang ditentukan maka dinyatakan gugur)

3. Bagi pelamar yang tidak lulus seleksi/verifikasi administrasi dinyatakan gugur.

4. Bagi pelamar yang LULUS ujian tertulis akan diumumkan melalui papan pengumuman di unit-unit di lingkungan Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral dan web site DESDM dengan alamat sebagaimana tersebut pada angka Romawi III angka 2 untuk mengikuti tes wawancara, yang jadwalnya akan ditentukan kemudian.

5. Berkas lamaran yang telah masuk ke Panitia Penerimaan Calon pegawai Negeri Sipil menjadi milik Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

6. TIDAK ADA PUNGUTAN BIAYA dalam pelaksanaan Seleksi Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral.

7. Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tahun Anggaran 2008 tidak melayani tanya jawab dalam bentuk apapun terkait dengan lamaran.

8. Keputusan Panitia Penerimaan Calon Pegawai Negeri Sipil Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Tahun Anggaran 2008 bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.


Petunjuk Pengisian Formulir

• 1. Isi semua kolom isian dalam form tersebut sesuai dengan data Saudara. Adapun form pendaftaran dimaksud adalah sebagai berikut :

a. Pilihan Unit Kerja Eselon I

Pilih Unit Kerja Eselon I sesuai kualifikasi pendidikan dan jabatan yang Saudara kehendaki pada lampiran pengumuman.

b. Pilihan Unit Kerja Eselon II

Pilih Unit Kerja Eselon II sesuai kualifikasi pendidikan dan jabatan yang Saudara kehendaki pada lampiran pengumuman.

c. Pilihan Formasi Jabatan

Pilih Formasi Jabatan sesuai kualifikasi pendidikan yang Saudara miliki pada lampiran pengumuman.

d. Kualifikasi Pendidikan/Program Studi

Pilih salah satu kualifikasi pendidikan yang sesuai dengan ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar.

e. Nama Perguruan Tinggi

Isikan Nama Perguruan Tinggi Saudara sesuai dengan ijazah yang Saudara digunakan untuk melamar. Bagi Saudara lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri, pastikan Saudara telah memiliki surat keputusan penyetaraan/pengesahan dari Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.

f. Kategori Perguruan Tinggi

Pilih salah satu kategori perguruan tinggi Saudara.

g. Akreditasi

Pilih salah satu jenis akreditasi sesuai dengan akreditas kualifikasi pendidikan yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar. Apabila Saudara lulusan Perguruan Tinggi Luar Negeri pilih ?lainnya?.

h. Tahun Masuk Perguruan Tinggi

Isikan tahun awal masuk Perguruan Tinggi Saudara

i. Nomor Ijazah

Isikan nomor ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar.

j. Tanggal, Bulan dan Tahun Ijazah

Isikan tanggal, bulan dan tahun sesuai dengan ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar

k. IPK

Apabila Saudara lulusan perguruan tinggi dalam negeri, silahkan cantumkan IPK sesuai dengan yang tercantum pada transkrip kelulusan Saudara. Dalam hal ini IPK yang dipersyaratkan adalah sebagai berikut:

• Pasca Sarjana (S-2) minimal 3,00 (tiga koma nol nol)

• Sarjana (S-1) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima)

• Diploma Tiga (D-3) minimal 2,75 (dua koma tujuh lima)

Apabila Saudara lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri, isikan angka 9.

l. Skala

Isikan skala IPK sesuai dengan transkrip yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar. Apabila Saudara lulusan perguruan tinggi luar negeri, isikan angka 9.

m. Nama

Isikan nama lengkap Saudara dengan huruf kapital sesuai dengan Ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar (lengkap dengan gelar).

n. Tempat Lahir

Isikan tempat lahir Saudara sesuai dengan Ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar.

o. Tanggal Lahir

Isikan tanggal lahir Saudara sesuai dengan Ijazah yang Saudara gunakan untuk melamar.

1. Usia pelamar minimal 18 tahun dan setinggi-tingginya 35 tahun;

2. Batas usia dihitung per tanggal 1 Desember 2008.

p. Nomor KTP

Isikan nomor KTP Saudara yang masih berlaku.

q. Masa berlaku KTP

Isikan masa berlaku KTP Saudara.

r. Jenis Kelamin

Pilih salah satu option ?Pria? atau ?Wanita? sesuai dengan KTP.

s. Alamat
Isikan alamat Saudara yang mudah dihubungi, tidak harus sesuai dengan KTP.

t. E-mail
Isikan alamat e-mail Saudara yang masih aktif.

u. Nomor Telepon
Isikan nomor telepon yang mudah dihubungi.

v. Nomor HP
Isikan nomor HP yang mudah dihubungi dan masih aktif.

Setelah selesai mengisi formulir :

a. Periksa dan pastikan terlebih dahulu apakah isian dimaksud sudah benar;

b. Apabila isian dimaksud dianggap masih ada kesalahan, silahkan perbaiki isian sesuai dengan data yang benar.

c. Apabila isian dimaksud sudah dianggap benar silahkan pilih ?simpan? untuk selanjutnya melakukan pencetakan Form Pendaftaran CPNS sebagai bukti telah melakukan pendaftaran.

Setiap nama beserta data yang telah terdaftar hanya memiliki satu data base. Tidak dibenarkan satu orang mendaftar lebih dari satu jabatan karena akan di reject oleh system . kami.

Info Lebih lanjut http://cpns.esdm.go.id/

Informasi Lowongan Kerja CPNS / PNS Oktober 2008 Departemen Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral ( esdm )




Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Kerja, Depkes (Jakarta) saat ini sedang mencari staf untuk pelaksanaan program Kapasitas Kerja.

1. Sudah berstatus sebagai PNS
2. Pendidikan min S1 bidang Gizi; S2 Gizi lebih diutamakan

Surat lamaran ditujukan kepada Kepala Bagian Tata Usaha, dengan melampirkan legalisir ijazah terakhir, legalisir SK CPNS & PNS, serta fotocopy kartu pegawai ke alamat :

Direktorat Bina Kesehatan Kerja (Ditjen Bina Kesmas)
Departemen Kesehatan
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X5 Kav 4-9
Gd. C lt 6
Jakarta 12950



PT KALBE FARMA Tbk., a leading pharmaceutical company in Indonesia,
URGENTLY needs a dynamic and self-driven professional to fulfill the
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than October 31, 2008
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Email : Recruitment.corp@kalbe.co.id

Only short-listed candidates will be notified.


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For those who are interested an meet the above requirements, can apply for the position by sending an application letter and up to date CV, and recent photos to the post address or email stated below. Application should be received no later than two weeks after the publication of this advertisement. Please indicate the position in the application letter and on the upper left of the envelope.

Human Resource Department

PT. ALSTOM Power Energy Systems Indonesia

PO BOX 1655 SB 60016

Jawa Timur – Indonesia

Or send email to:


All applicants will be treated confidentially, only short-listed candidates will be notified.

PT Elnusa Tbk, a national pride world class company for total solution in Upstream Oil and Gas Services (see: www.elnusa.co.id). We are currently seeking for highly qualified candidates to fill the following position:



If you meet the above requirements, please send your application and resume not later than October 18th, 2008 to recruitment@elnusa.co.id Cc: recruitment.enho@yahoo.com (in your subject email write Job code : HSE and not more than 100 KB)


Our company is a subsidiary of Indomobil Group, dealing with well known European truck & equipment brands. We are curently seeking for high caliber people to fill the following position in our organization:

Parts Counter Staff
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


  • Male, min D3 Engineering, experience in Heavy Equipment Industry.
  • 3 year(s) of working experience.
  • Preferably Senior Staffs specializing in Logistics/Supply Chain or equivalent.
  • Hard worker, dicipline, able to work in routine/monotone tasks accurately, and good initiative.
  • Fluent in English (both written and oral).
  • Computer literate.
  • Willing to work overtime.

We invite qualified candidates to send their full resume with the indicate position, and a recent photograph to the following email address:

Jl. Raya Cakung Cilincing Kav. 3A
Jakarta 14130
Attn. Management

The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program

The American Red Cross Tsunami Recovery Program (TRP) had been established to direct the organization’s response to the South Asia tsunami disaster. The TRP activities focus on integrated community recovery and preparedness interventions in tsunami affected countries in Asia and East Africa in collaboration with Red Cross and non-Red Cross partners. Please visit www.redcross.org/tsunamirelief

The Indonesia TRP Delegation operates from offices in Banda Aceh, Calang, Lamno. It also has liaison offices in Jakarta, and other areas in Aceh province in collaboration with the Indonesian Red Cross.

The American Red Cross seeks dynamic individuals to fill the :

Monitoring & Evaluation Officer
(Aceh - Banda Aceh)


  • Provide support to PMI-NAD in the implementation of M&E plans and reporting requirements generated by it
  • Implement an appropriate filing system to track all data required for the M&E operations
  • Create and maintain contacts with PMI-NAD and other national programs by participating in meetings and forums relating to monitoring and evaluation
  • Assist PMI-NAD staff, management, consultants, partners and other interested parties to gain access to M&E related information
  • Work with the ARC Senior M&E Officer and M&E Delegate, as required on all aspects of assessments, capacity building baseline/end line surveys, evaluations and other specific tasks.
  • Prepare field reports and draft progress reports regularly
  • Facilitate capacity building at PMI-NAD Branch levels in effective monitoring and evaluation
  • Conduct a series of supervisory visits to identified PMI Branches to assist them in the development of systems and skills to collect data for the ARC database and for their own use
  • Follow up with PMI-NAD Branches that have not submitted Program Monitoring Report Forms
  • Conduct data auditing of a pre-determined random sample of PMI-NAD Branches that have submitted forms
  • Undertake any other relevant duty as might be required from time to time


  • A Bachelor’s Degree, or equivalent, in a social sciences discipline (statistics, mathematics, psychology or economics). A graduate degree preferred
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively as part of a team
  • Ability to relate to stakeholders across all levels
  • Good time and stress management skills
  • Commitment and motivation
  • Excellent command of the English language with exceptional writing and communication skills, and full computer literacy

Please submit your application and curriculum vitae to hr@amredcross.org put Job title in Subject line. Only applications in English and short listed candidates will be notified. Applications submitted after Oct 31, 2008 will not be considered.

PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg

PT. Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg., one of the biggest Automotive Company, located in Pulo Gadung, East Jakarta urgently looking for highly motivated, dynamic, and qualified person to fill in the following positions :

HR - Recruitment Staff (Code: REC)
(Jakarta Raya)


  • Hold S1 degree in Psychology
  • Female, Max 27 years old
  • Familiar with using Psychological tools
  • Graduate from reputable university with GPA min 2.75
  • Excellent skills in Computer & Microsoft Office
  • Fluent in written & spoken English
  • Good personality and communication skills
  • Hardworking and able to work under pressure
  • Able to work effectively, both independently and in a team

Please send your application, CV, copy of academic transcript with GPA min 2,75 and 4 X 6 latest photograph, not later than two weeks after this advertisement to:


Or E-mail to : rec_hrd@yamaha-motor.co.id

PT Hero Supermarket,Tbk ( STORE AUDIT MANAGER)

PT Hero Supermarket,Tbk. is one of the leading retail player in Indonesia, which has the affiliation in Asia Pacific including Hongkong, S’pore, Malaysia, China & Taiwan. Due to rapid growth of expansion within our chain drug stores–GUARDIAN, our hyper mart-GIANT, and many more. We need dedicated and dynamic professionals to drive our business further, with the following positions ;

(Jakarta Raya)


  • Prepare annual schedule for the Store Audits to be part of the Internal Audit (IA) Plan and break down into monthly staffing schedule in accordance with the IA Plan.
  • Determine areas of risk and appraise their significance in relation to operational factors of cost, schedule, and quality. Classify Store Audit as to degree of risk and significance and as to frequency of audit coverage. Review the last Store Audit result/exception at the respective Store, then communicate the focus to the audit team for that Store.
  • Develop an appropriate Store Audit procedure and programs to promote effective audit coverage and responsive to management’s needs.
  • Monitor Store Audit fieldwork to see that professional standards are maintained in the planning and execution and in the accumulation of evidential data.
  • Monitor Store Audit performance covering results improvement, summary result per store, follow-up action plans developed by Store Managers to address findings.
  • Monitor Store Audit staff time control sheets, and evaluate actual performance against plan.
  • Review the Store Audit result, working paper and all supporting documents and ensure that they are properly indexed and filed.
  • Supervise, evaluate and train Store Audit Staff to achieve IA goals effectively and efficiency. Assist in providing trainings to other business units.
  • Prepare report of each Store Audit activity, Store Audit performance, job status and summary of critical audit findings and audit recommendations and follow-up actions, in a timely manner.
  • Perform other jobs as assigned by the Head of Internal Audit.


  • Female
  • Gradute at least a Bachelor's Degree in Business Studies/Administration/Management, Finance/Accountancy/Banking or equivalent from reputable university with min GPA 2.8.
  • Professional certification - CPA or CIA, preferred.
  • Required language(s): English.
  • Having good communication skill & presentation skill
  • At least three (3) years audit experience preferably in the retail industry & One (1) year experience in Store Audits
  • Audit or Accounting experience in subsidiaries or joint venture multinationals companies.
  • Preferably Managers specializing in Finance - Audit/Taxation or equivalent.
  • Have strong leadership skills and able to manage and coach audit team.
  • Hardworkng, willing to learn, having good analytical skill, used with deadline & preasure.
  • Full-Time positions available.
  • willing to travell
  • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

If you meet the above qualifications, please send your application complete with CV and recent photograph by email to:
or by post to :
PT. HERO Supermarket, Tbk.
Jln. Gatot Subroto no.177A - Kav.64 (4th fl)
Jakarta 12870


(formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial and Oil & Gas Plant.

Project Manager (Code: PM)
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


  • Minimum S1 degree in engineering (Mechanical, Electrical / Instrumentation) with minimum 12 years experience in Engineering & Construction.
  • Candidate with academic degree S2/MBA or Management Diploma will be preferred.
  • The candidates shall have 2-3 experiences in Engineering Design Work. Further experience required in the past for planning, estimation, cost control, management of EPC projects in industrial and or Power Plant sector.
  • The candidates must have experience independently in managing large industrial infra structure project.
  • Maximum 45 years old.


  • Language proficiency verbal and written both English and Bahasa Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450
  • Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty
  • Able to work as a team or independently
  • Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any where in Indonesia or overseas at any time
  • Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
  • Computer literate

  • Please send your detailed CV complete with recent photograph within 3 weeks upon this advertisement to: recruitment@trubagroup.com or by post mail to:

    PT Truba Jaya Engineering
    (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)

    Wisma PSM, Jl. Swadaya II No.7
    Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
    Jakarta 12530, Indonesia


    (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
    Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial and Oil & Gas Plant.

    Project Planning and Control (Code: PPC)
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Minimum S-1 degree in Mechanical Engineering from a reputable university
    • Capable to use Ms. Project and Primavera Planner will be preferable
    • Minimum 5 years experience in handling EPC or Construction of Industrial or power plant projects
    • Maximum age 35 years old.


  • Language proficiency verbal and written both English and Bahasa Indonesia, minimum TOEFL Score 450
  • Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty
  • Able to work as a team or independently
  • Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any where in Indonesia or overseas at any time
  • Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
  • Computer literate

  • Please send your detailed CV complete with recent photograph within 3 weeks upon this advertisement to: recruitment@trubagroup.com or by post mail to:

    PT Truba Jaya Engineering
    (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)

    Wisma PSM, Jl. Swadaya II No.7
    Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
    Jakarta 12530, Indonesia


    (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)
    Engineering Procurement and Construction Company in Power, Industrial and Oil & Gas Plant.

    Contract Administrator Engineer
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Organize and review all of contrat documents relating to technical & scope of work, commercial & legal, and other specific required by each department
    • Conduct risk assesment and define methods to control, eliminate, and/or minimize the potential risk
    • Conduct an effective communication to Clients
    • Assisting Procurement Team to prepare evaluate subcontractor/vendors


    • Hold Bachelor (S1) degree in Mechanical / Civil / Electrical
    • Has minimum 8 years working experience as Contract Administrator or Project Control
    • Familiar with procurement activities
    • Familiar with power plant erection projects or other remote area projects
    • Ready to join sooner
    • Mandarin language is more preferable
    • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.


  • Language proficiency verbal and written both English and Indonesian, minimum TOEFL Score 450
  • Must have good leadership, communication skill, high integrity and loyalty
  • Able to work as a team or independently
  • Shall be mentally ready to be assigned in any where in Indonesia or overseas at any time
  • Good responsibility & highly motivated individual
  • Computer literate

    PT Truba Jaya Engineering
    (formerly PT Truba Jurong Engineering)

    Wisma PSM, Jl. Swadaya II No.7
    Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa
    Jakarta 12530, Indonesia


    McDonald̢۪s Indonesia is Looking for the energetic and smart young people to join us in managing our Restaurants in Jabodetabek (Jakarta base), for the position of :

    Management Trainee (Code : MT- Jakarta)
    (Jakarta Raya)


    • University degree of any discipline
    • Maximum 26 years old
    • Hard worker and able to work at different shift including holidays
    • Be able to work at any McDonald’s restaurant in Indonesia
    • Good communication and good interpersonal skill
    • Self confidence and good appearance
    • Patient, highly initiative, motivated, energetic and cooperative
    • Fluent in English and good computer skill

    Make McDonald̢۪s your address for success and join McDonald̢۪s Management Development Program by sending your resume and photograph to :

    Human Resources Department
    McDonald̢۪s Indonesia
    Plaza Bapindo Citibank Tower 3rd Floor
    Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 54 – 55, Jakarta 12190
    Up: Human Resources Departement

    Please indicate the position applied on the upper left corner of your envelope. Only shortlist candidates will be contacted and application will be closed within 30 days.

    PT. Yakult Indonesia Persada

    PT. Yakult Indonesia Persada perusahaan PMA terkemuka dari Jepang, membutuhkan beberapa tenaga kerja yang berkualitas dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

    Personnel (Remuneration) Staff
    (Jakarta Raya)


    • Wanita
    • Usia maksimal 25 tahun
    • Pendidikan D3/ S1 Jurusan Accounting
    • Dapat mengoperasikan Komputer dengan baik.
    • Mampu bekerja sesuai dengan tenggat waktu
    • Jujur dan berkeinginan untuk maju dengan belajar
    • Pengalaman kerja tidak mutlak

    Bagi yang berminat dapat mengirimkan lamaran lengkap dengan Pas Foto terakhir melalui email ke:


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk INDONESIA ( Supervisor)

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Supervisor Internal Controls
    (Surabaya & Jakarta)


    • Assist the Manager Internal Controls in conducting day to day control and compliance activities which includes developing methodologies, documents processes, identifying controls, performing control review,s remediation of issues and presentation of result to business process owners.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree in Accounting, Finance or Business Management. Certified of Public Accountant (CPA) is a plus;
    • 5 years financial/audit experience, including experience in public accounting with exposure to multinational corporations;
    • Strong internal controls technical skills, including ability to apply risk management principles;
    • Experience in Sarbanes Oxley project would be an advantage;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk INDONESIA(Manager Financial)

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Manager Financial Planning & Management Reporting
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Assist the Manager Financial Planning & Management Reporting to manage the FPMR functions including preparation of management reports, revised forecast and budgets, review & control actual business results vs budgets to meet local and US GAPP reporting requirement.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree in Accounting/Finance;
    • 6-8 years of working experience in related fields preferably with an international accounting firm or multinational corporation;
    • Solid knowledge of budgeting, accounting, taxes, financial analysis, investment analysis and modeling;
    • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Good knowledge of Oracle and Hyperion and/or knowledge of SAP a plus;
    • Good understanding of US GAAP and Indonesian accounting standards;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Manager Operations Finance
    (Jawa Timur - Surabaya)


    • Plan and manage activities related to delivery of financial and management control systems which monitor performance against agreed budgets, and act as a business partner by providing management with necessary data to support informed business decisions.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree in Accounting, Finance or Management;
    • Minimum 5 years progressive management accounting experience preferably in a reputable manufacturing company with minimum of 3 years spent in a managerial level;
    • Solid background in budgeting, accounting, taxes, financial analysis, investment analysis and modeling;
    • Substantial background in Oracle or SAP and familiarity with a computerized environment and business integration a plus;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Manager Consolidations & Accounting
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Assist the Manager Consolidations & Accounting to manage and handle the consolidations accounting & reporting function and related activities to meet local and US GAAP reporting requirement.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree in Accounting/Finance;
    • 6-8 years of working experience in related fields preferably with an international accounting firm;
    • Solid knowledge of US GAAP and Indonesian accounting standards and Indonesian taxation;
    • Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Excel. Good knowledge of Oracle and Hyperion and/or knowledge of SAP a plus;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk INDONESIA (HR Assistant)

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    HR Assistant
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Support Director HR for all related administrative processes and provide assistance in HR projects.


    • Minimum Associates’ Degree in any major from reputable university;
    • Minimum 2 years work experiences, expatriate handling experience preferable;
    • Strong competency in attention to details and organizing;
    • Strong computer literacy;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    HR Executive Training & Development
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Bachelor Degree with minimum GPA 3.00;
    • Minimum 3 years experiences in Human Resources function, training preferable;
    • Strong competency in analytical skills, communication, and attention to details;
    • Strong computer literacy;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.


    • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field.
    • Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
    • At least 3 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
    • Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in Human Resources or equivalent.
    • Full-Time positions available.
    • Applicants should be Indonesian citizens or hold relevant residence status.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Industrial Relations Executive
    (Jawa Timur - Surabaya)


    • Provide analysis in Industrial Relations related policies and procedures development and assist Industrial Relations Manager in handling industrial relations issues and strengthen the relationship.


    • Minimum Bachelor Degree, preferably in Civil Law;
    • Minimum 2 years experiences including compensation & benefits and Code of Civil procedure;
    • Solid knowledge in Indonesian Labor Law, Company and Government Regulations,
    • Good analytical and learning capability, communication and influence skills, and achievement orientation;
    • Good computer literacy;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    HR Executive Recruitment
    (Jawa Timur - Surabaya)


    • Analyse and execute recruitment related programs and events such as job fairs, campus recruitment


    • Bachelor Degree with minimum GPA 3.00;
    • Minimum 3 years experiences in handling recruiting process including design and execution of recruitment advertisement and recruitment events;
    • Excellent oral and written communication skill;
    • Strong competency in analytical and learning capability, achievement orientation, and attention to details;
    • Good computer literacy;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview


    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Manager Recruitment


    • Attract and select the best talent to build the organization capability and to sustain the long term business continuity.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree;
    • Minimum 3 years solid experience in leading talent selection and recruitment process including senior positions;
    • Hands-on experiencing behavioral interview skills and experiences;
    • Excellent competency in achievement orientation, motivating others, and negotiating;
    • Experiences in other HR sub-function or business function preferable;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk INDONESIA

    PT HM Sampoerna Tbk. is one of the leading tobacco companies in Indonesia with superior brands such as Dji Sam Soe, A Mild, and Sampoerna Hijau among others and is an affiliate of Philip Morris International, one of the world’s largest tobacco companies.

    Due to business growth, upcoming projects and other business objectives, we are looking for talented people who possess a passionate, enterprising spirit to help us shape the future of our business. Current opportunities include:

    Manager HR Business Partner
    (Jakarta Raya - Jakarta)


    • Manage the deployment of HR Products and Services in line with the agreed budget and resources to develop and execute change initiatives and plans, and provide HR related consulting services to business function in order to support the achievement of their business objective.


    • Bachelor/Master Degree;
    • Minimum 5 years HR Management experience at multinational company;
    • Solid knowledge and experience in project management and change management;
    • Excellent skills and competency in coaching, communication and business acumen;
    • Proficient in oral and written English.

    For those who are interested and having the above required qualifications, please visit our career website and attached a comprehensive resume, not later than
    November 7th, 2008 at:

    send your comprehensive resume to recruitment@sampoerna.com

    Only short-listed candidates will be notified interview

    source :



    We are one of the big retail companies in Indonesia, having opportunities for you to become a part of our team. We invite high motivation, energetic & dynamic persons who want to join & contribute to our business goals for the following position:

    Job Overview:

    Develops and modification program Matahari Club Card, Data Mining, & documentation.


    • Minimum S1 majoring Information Technology or related
    • Have experience in operating Oracle Program
    • Have experience in oracle SQL and SQL server
    • Team work & target oriented
    • Have good analytical skill and Interpersonal skill
    • Good Communication in English
    All applications will be treated in strictest confidence.
    Please submit details and recent photograph within 10 days to:



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